Friday, March 9, 2012


It has always been a dream of mine to be someone who reads stories and gives the writers' feed back.  I had heard about Project Team Beta and thought this was the answer!  Finally I could make my dream a reality.  I quickly filled out the application and sent it in. I waited with baited breath for them to send me the test that I needed to take to show that I was worthy. Two days later, they sent me the test.  I had to download new (to me) software to even get the options it said I needed to take it.  No problem, I know how to do this.  I downloaded the software.  Then I couldn't get the test to open in the newly installed software.  I am not the most  computer friendly person I know, (my husband programs computers, as well as building them and modifying electronic gadgets that he has to make them do what he wants).  I sent an e-mail to Project Team Beta asking if there was another version of the test that went with my spiffy new software.  I got my response tonight.  I rushed right in to the software and then the test.  Then I noticed that the instructions talked about an option in the software that I couldn't find.  I went to the home page for the software and scoured the FAQs for the answer I needed, had I gotten the wrong version?  Was there some radial button I needed to click?  What would take me where I needed to go?  There was nothing on their website about what I needed.  So, I then searched the internet, maybe someone else had had the same problem as I and someone else had answered them. Nope.  So I anxiously wrote another e-mail to Project Team Beta asking if they knew anything about why this option wasn't there, all the while still searching the software in case I had missed something.  I finally noticed something that looked promising.  I clicked on it and HALLELUJAH it was what I needed! Just called something else for some reason.  So, immediately started in on the test, making many trips to the Project Team Beta's grammar section of the website to confirm that the answers I was giving seemed correct.  Each example problem was a bit harder than the last, but I strained my brain the best I could.  then I made it to page 4 (there are 8 pages).  This sounds much better than it really was as the first two pages are instructions.  They stopped putting next to the questions.  Suddenly, I knew that my dream of being a beta reader, would have to stay that.  I am sure you can tell by my own writing that I am not the best person to be editing someone else's efforts.  Oh well.  Maybe I can lose 70 pounds and make Rob forget all about Kstew (does anyone else think that sounds like some kind of disease?)

Monday, January 9, 2012

Bet ya thought I died...

So, several weeks ago I saw a sparkle the distance.  I walked hurriedly over hoping to find a vampire reclining in a flower filled glade. Instead, I slipped into a mental hole under a sparkly white rock and have just stayed there.  I don't know why.  I kept thinking about how I needed to climb out, life was going on around me and I had parts to play, things to do, vampires to try and chase down.  I couldn't make myself climb out though, and really, I feel like I might just be playing ground hog here.  If I see my shadow, I might disappear for another 6 weeks or so...just a heads up.

I did want to take the time to mention something that my mother in law told me about recently, though.  While I was visiting the other day, she told me about an app for smart phones where you can send free texts.  It's called Viber.  (totally sounds like a toy that you would get at one of those home parties, huh.  Yeah, you know the ones I am talkin' about.) I am sure that several of you may have heard of this already. (I happen to actually be really behind even those way behind the trends.)  While I do have texting on my phone already, I went ahead and go the app so that my mil could text me without having to pay for the service on her phone.  Well, imagine my total confusion when a few days later my phone did this fun little thing it likes to do and indicated I had missed a call (thru Viber). Even though it had never rang...I looked at the number and wondered out loud who I could possibly know with an area code like this.  My hubs asked what it was (doing the man thing and trying to solve probs for me) so I told.  He didn't recognize the area code either.  So I started really looking at this number and realized that, hey, there were too many digits in this phone number.  What the heck!  I have no idea why, but the idea that it might be an international number popped in my head.  I mentioned it to hubs.  In that scoffing way men have he replied that if it was international, the least they could have done was leave a message.  Suddenly, there was a text on my phone saying it was thru Viber.  So of course I had to read the text, cause I just have to.  I was sure that it was my mil or my cousin who I knew was on viber.  It wasn't.  It was from my totes awesome INTERNATIONAL friend Sweden Sara!  Viber works for international calls and texting too!  We talked for several minutes!  Hubs was totes impressed that I was talking, live, to someone in Sweden!  It was soooo cool!  Now that I have my head poked out of my sparkly hole, I have to send msgs to my other international friends and see if they are on Viber as well!  So my peeps, you should all come over to the Viber side. Look me up.  Then we could keep in touch even if I am back in my mental ditch!  Good night my loves!